Sunday, January 23, 2011

Look to Your Left, and then to Your Right

OK, quick post since I was just here a few hours ago...

So, I clicked on the link at the top left of the page that says "next blog" and can I say that there are a lot of different people in the world. One woman is a stay-at-home-mom with five children and a sixth on the way who home-schools. The next was a photographer who is ultra-Catholic. The next was another fundamentalist religious type.

And somehow, I got wedged in with them...not sure if the blogs are categorized by topic, alphabetically, or just in the order of who blogs next. Whatever. Strange company I keep here at the Cafe.

By the way, I am not making fun of my fellow bloggers. I think it is wonderful that there are women who want to be at home with their children, men who are adamant about their faith, and others who just have clear opinions about things. This is about people expressing themselves.

But stumbling upon their blogs made me think about the admonishment I received in law school--to look to my left and right and take note that one of those students might not make it to the finish line with me in three years time. In this case, I am looking to my right and left and seeing perspectives that I would probably not encounter in my daily travels. In general, I rarely interact with mothers of more than two children and I don't got to church often enough to engage people about their beliefs. My world, in a sense, is contained and limited to those whose lives mirror mine...a lot of childless folks with more faith in reason than in God. As broad as I think my perspective is, I just discovered in less than 10 minutes that I only inhabit a small, dusty corner of the world.

(Brought to you by an Argentinian white :)

Checking in after some blush wine and ironing (editing/updating):
I clicked through the "next blog" links over at the BBW blog and I am apparently mixed in with the Mommy group.  I am not a Mommy.  I am a housewife, but I am not anyone's Mommy.  I am an Auntie/Fairy Godmother to about 15 children, but I repeat, not a Mommy!!!  Why am I lumped in with all of these women who are blogging about their children and pull-ups?  I never talk about I?  Even if I did, none of them belong to me, so I am concerned that no one is going to find me because I am categorized among the Mommy brigade.

Understand that being a Mommy is great and all, but it is a different level of womanhood than I have achieved at this point.  To be a Mommy means that I am concerned about strollers and playdates and preschool choices.  None of that crap is even hinted at in either of my blogs.  So what gives?

I am thinking that part of this is the larger category to which I belong which is women under 40 (well give me a few years and I guess the topics will shift to retirement and menopause).  Is Blogger trying to tell me something...are my eggs drying up while I spend too much time worried about my career?  I need another drink...

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