Monday, August 30, 2010

Weekends are for Wimps

I have had a weekend. It was great and terrible all at the same time. I rallied, I cried, I raged, I chanted, I marched, I rested, I ate, I drank, I strolled, I shopped, I listened, I watched, I heard, I read, I waited, I moved, and I slept.

I do more in one weekend than most people get done in a week.

I am not patting myself on the back, because this is actually a vent about how I took on too much this weekend. In all of that stuff I did, there is still a lot more that I need to get done. I am tired.

Mondays are rough, but the worse day of the week for me tends to be Saturday. So if I were to look at my week from that angle, Friday is truly my day of rest since that is the day when I generally relax and spend the evening gearing up for Saturday morning. Mondays are hump days...

My other vent is about my dogwood tree that appears to have given up the ghost. I am pissed because I paid more attention to this stupid tree by watering and caring for it and it still shriveled up and practically died on me for no good reason. I am most upset because this appears to be a sign--sometimes you give all you can and things still fall apart. Maybe this metaphor isn't about me (a few selected people I know need to get this), but if things don't work out, that is just life. I will simply call the landscaper and have him give me another damn tree.

Alright Tuesday, tell me what YOU got...

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