Monday, November 28, 2005


I can't think of a single thing to write about.

I thought about my upcoming birthday and the meaning of maturity. But that isn't very interesting or funny, is it?

I considered another pitiful lament about my chronically over-scheduled life. But you already know that, so why beat that horse to death?

I figured it might be cool to list all of the reasons why I love cable. But there is a show about that already called "Best Week Ever" on VH1.

I could rail about hip hop and its negative influence on our children, but the people to whom I would direct my comments do not read my blog (as does no one else, generally).

I could complain about how I have neighbors who actually put up Christmas decorations on Thanksgiving day. But I'm sure that there is someone out there who knows the idiot who put them out the day after Halloween.

Finally, I could heap ridicule on any number of people, but I'm so apathetic right now. I think it is best that I take a nap, and then perhaps, the next time I check in here, I'll have something worth the effort.


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