It has been ages, no eons, since I last posted something worth reading in this space. I have a few incompletes, which I hope to finish and post someday, but I thought that I would check in and jot down a few notes about what's been going on in my life lately.
Well, that's about it. I have clients, students, relatives and friends who are all pulling my strings these days. I either need a good pair of scissors, or I need to learn how to say no and really mean it.
In conclusion, I want to declare that I intended to participate in that November novel-writing thing, but given the craziness of my schedule, this post might be the sum total of my creative output this month. If I had not already committed myself for December, I would simply put it off for a month, but alas, that is impossible. Finally, a quick glance at my schedule indicates that I will not have time to write a novel until my kids are grown and out of the house.
Oh sh**, I forgot! I don't even have children yet... All those little people whom I've adopted into my extended family don't actually belong to me. My bad.
And that supposed job that someone called me about in July still has yet to materialize. I continue to be an over-educated, under-employed bum.
In spite of it all, I'm alright. I got a quick second or two to blog (and people are actually starting to read my musings, although I am concerned that my "fans" tend to have an affinity for porn and anti-depressants). What can I say?
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