Thursday, April 07, 2011

Look Out Below

So I did something today that will either turn out to be very smart or very stupid in a few short weeks.

I took a leap of faith.  And right now, I must still be in the clouds where everything looks fine.  But check me again in a few weeks when the altitude has changed.

Long story short, I made an investment in a business venture to see if this idea I have been nurturing for the past few months can earn me some cash.  Not a whole lot of cash is at stake, but the goal is to see if the concept can grow into something profitable.

I am being vague on purpose because all will be revealed in time...but let's just say that since I first decided to step out on faith a few months ago, I am trusting that everything will be alright.  At best, I can make a modest profit, or I can break even, or I will take a loss.  At worst, the loss will set me back a little, but from where I am at this point, a little is no worse than where I am (which is pretty bad at the moment).

But part of the point in stepping out on faith is to trust that while things will not get better immediately (they often get worse), trouble does not last always.  I wrote last week how my finances were practically depleted by a payment I had been avoiding, but knew that I needed to make in order to avoid certain disaster.  And I am hardly out of the woods on that, since I still owe quite a bit of money...

So what possessed me to plunk down the plastic today?  Call it annoyance, frustration, impulsiveness, or plain stupidity, but I did it.  And next week I will begin the next phase of putting myself out there to the world to see if people are interested in what I have to say.

If not, then I'll try something else.  I am determined!

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