Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Public Service Announcement

(Perhaps my block is tumbling...)


For the sake of every literate person who reads your comments posted to blogs, articles and Facebook profiles, and even Twitter updates...please know which word you intend to use and then use it in the correct context.  Geez!  I know that in our modern shorthand, certain words get shortened or become superfluous when trying to express oneself in 140 characters or less, but some of this is just ridiculous.  A quick grammar lesson:

1. Too (adverb); to (preposition); two (number)
Used in sentences: There are too many errors in your writing.  It has gotten to the point where I want to scream.  Notice how I properly used the word "to" in that last sentence two times?

2. Where (adverb used to ask the location of something or someone)
Used in a sentence: Where is she?  Where did you put the newspaper?

3. Were (verb used in the past tense along with pronouns you, we and they)
You were acting silly while we were trying to be serious and they were attempting to rob us.

4. Wear (verb); wore (past tense of wear)
I may wear a brown dress to the party.  I wore a black dress instead.

OK, enough before this becomes too cumbersome...hopefully you get the point.

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