Rev. Willie Wilson recently declared that lesbianism will destroy the black family! It's true, hide your daughters! While delivering a sermon, Wilson described how difficult it was for his son to get a date for his prom because all the girls in the class were lesbians (the non-gay girls were too ugly for him). He didn't say what his son looks like...
This is the same guy who ran for mayor a few years ago, and this drama proves that the city dodged a bullet by re-electing Mayor Williams. In a progressive, diverse city, we can't afford to have idiots in public office. We need to have politicians who are sensitive to the needs of the entire city, and not just the needs of teenage boys who want to find dates.
Although the gay community got all hot and bothered after Wilson's comments were printed in the newspaper, they'll get over this. It's not like Willie Wilson is anything to them anyway. He's just a old hustler [ur, umm preacher] who probably says stupid stuff like this all the time. He's not an elected official who represents a constituency, like say...Marion Barry, who didn't exactly repudiate Wilson for his incindiary remarks. Barry slithered his way out of this one by saying that he would *talk* to Wilson. Here's my interpretation of what might happen:
Barry: Hey man, you're getting a lot of heat for making those comments about black lesbians. What are you going to do about it?
Wilson: Nothing. Why should I apologize? It's true, those man-hating lesbians have runied my son's prom. So now who's he supposed to take?
Barry: He could take a white girl. You know how they love the brothers.
Wilson: Do you honestly expect him to take a white girl to his prom in DC, Chocolate City? There ain't no white girls in SE.
Barry: Naw, man they taking over this city. I saw some white people walking around on MLK the other day. Maybe he can find a nice Spanish girl. They live all over NW these days.
Wilson: Yeah, maybe that girl, Maria, who cleans the church can go with him. But wait, she don't speak enough English. How would she know that my son was asking her out? What else you got?
Barry: Well, how about one of those girls who work behind the counter at the corner store. What are they, Korean? What about one of them?
Wilson: Huh? One of those little Korean girls that look like boys? What would that look like, my son at the prom with a little Korean boy in a dress?
Barry: I don't know what to tell you, man. Maybe he should ask one of the ugly girls. Hey, can I check them out before he decides...
Wilson: See the trouble those damn lesbians have caused? The black family is doomed!!!
(Okay, that may have been one of the lamest exchanges since Paris and Nicole attempted to explain why they are so popular, but you get the point.)
And to think that all this time, everyone's been so focused on how black women are not finding suitable marriage partners because of all the brothers who are either in prison, out of work, or dead. And all those so-called straight men on the down low? Clearly, it's the lesbians who made them that way!
In reality, the reasons for the peril within the black family are much more complex. Sure, there is the usual litany of social ills, but the situation also has a lot to do with respect. I'm not at all suggesting that people chose the gay lifestyle, but I can't help but think that there is a percentage of these women who decided that given the choice between an abusive man and a loving woman, there was no contest. And as long as boys are boys and girls are girls, and hormones rage out of control during adolescence, there will never be an epidemic of homosexuality. If anything, these kids are exploring their sexuality, and this is merely a phase. If some of them find out that they are in fact, gay, then so be it. It's better to find that out now than to wait ten years down the line to *discover* someone's hidden sexuality. Just ask Terri McMillan...
In the final analysis, this is the same type of scape-goating that has taken place for years within the black community. We always point fingers at each other for the failings of our families. Rev. Wilson has only added his voice to the chorus of those who blame "strong" black women for making manhood irrelevant. Soon, there will be the counter-point advanced by one of the self-described strong sisters who will recite the many reasons why black men aren't good enough for them, and the debate will continue.
I say we all need to take a look in the mirror. Maybe the problem isn't so much a collective one, but merely result of our individual failures in taking personal responsibility for our actions. After all, I am ultimately responsible for whatever good or bad I do in a relationship, right?
If not, then I can just pass the blame onto someone else, like maybe the Canadiens...
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