Friday, October 01, 2010

Why Do Some People Have Jobs?

I just watched a video that featured an assistant attorney general in the state of Michigan who is waging a campaign against the first openly-gay student body president at the University of Michigan.  This 21 year old student is the object of a blog and periodic protests in front of his home by a grown a$$ man with a law degree.  The attorney claims that he is speaking out against the student's radical fascist agenda, and as an alum of UMich, he is exercising his First Amendment rights.

Anderson Cooper, who interviewed this twit, was so thoroughly annoyed by this guy that he kind of got stuck on the fact that this guy is a state employee.  And after consulting with the elected Attorney General of the state, the guy won't be fired, even though his actions are clearly insane.

So that we are all clear...people who are employed by the government can say whatever they want about someone else as long as they do so on their own time.  They can post inflammatory blogs and protest in front of someone's house even.  OK.

Shirley Sherrod was asked to resign over a doctored video tape of her giving a speech to the NAACP on her own time, but this loser who admits that he has both set up the website and maintained a vigil of harassment against a college student, HAS A FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHT TO ENGAGE IN HATE SPEECH ON HIS OWN TIME.

Got it...

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