Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Misunderestimate at Your Peril

There are people who get on TV and say stupid things, but these are not necessarily stupid people. Lately, there have been a lot of instances of acting stupid and I am beginning to realize that that is exactly what it is...an act.

I could cite numerous examples, but I'll start with Sister Sarah. A lot of people dismiss her as an airhead, but we keep talking about her and her popularity continues to astound. Her name gets mentioned on the cable news daily and despite the obvious questions about her credibility as a leader, all of this negative attention has had just the opposite effect. In addition to her endorsements of candidates who really could go to Washington to screw stuff up, her daughter is now on Dancing with the Stars! Why would she want to be President when she can flit around the country like some derainged fairy godmother turning mice into credible candidates. Just wait until that Pumpkin carriage arrives in DC this November...

And earlier today I was watching Showbiz Tonight and the focus was all on Lindsay Lohan and Paris Hilton and their apparent drug problems. Like rehab is a bad thing? For Lindsay, this is just the set up for her big comeback in a year or two (it worked for Britney Spears and Robert Downey, Jr...not so well for Corey Haim) and for Paris, well, I'm sure she'll get to host Saturday Night Live again or do another half-naked commercial for Carl Jr's.

Nadya Sulemon, the "Octomom" gets offered a deal to star in a porno and I swear the hosts of Showbiz Tonight seemed to be suggesting that her priorities were out of whack for not giving it serious consideration. Think about that for a second--she is a MOTHER to 14 children under the age of ten...does it matter that such an offer is totally inappropriate? Montana Fishbourne uses her real name in her porn film debut to piss off her father and he called her stupid for not combining the name of her first pet and street name like everybody else. But who is the dumb one, Big Daddy--you for not keeping her off the pole! The Housewives of Wherever manufacture drama but want us to believe that these shows are really about advertising their charity work (uh huh)...

And the King of Huxters was the guy in Florida who threatened to burn Qu'rans. He had everybody from Fox News to President Obama begging him not to light that bonfire two weeks ago--I must have been the only person who thought he should have gone ahead with it. Not because I don't care about the repercussions, but because I sensed that it was a hoax all along. Like, who burns books anymore? What he really wanted was attention for his little church and I'm afraid everyone fell for his wild-eyed zealot act.

Is stupid the new newsworthy? Who are the real fools--the folks who are parading around in meat dresses or those of us who watch and comment on their behavior?

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