Tuesday, December 13, 2005

The War on Being Different

It sucks to be a person of color in some countries because the white majority might try to kill you for merely being accused of doing something wrong. Sound extreme? Well, it’s happening in Australia right now.

It sucks to be a woman because if something happens to piss you off, then someone (a man, perhaps) might accuse you of being too emotional. If you get angrier, then you are accused of not being tough. If you decide to change tactics, then you are accused of being spiteful and vindictive.

It sucks to be anything but an evangelical Christian this time of year, because only evangelicals can lay claim to the good tidings of the season. If you are not evangelical, or are Jewish, Muslim, Buddhist, etc., then you might as well have a scarlet “H” on your chest for heathen.

I am not white, male, nor am I an evangelical Christian, yet to be everything that I am—black, female, and a non-denominational progressive Christian is somehow offensive because I defy the “norm”.

I had no control over what I was born to be. My parents are black and the chromosome thing worked in favor of the girls’ team. But I can control my faith. Although I was born and baptized a Christian, I decided that after years of being told what to believe and how to practice those beliefs, I would finally think for myself. Then I rejected certain aspects of the ole time ‘ligion that was good enough for everybody else, so now I find myself out of the fold.

Oh well.

When did changing one’s mind become a crime? Isn’t this supposed to be a country that prides itself on religious freedom? Yet, if you say or do anything that is perceived to be contrary to “traditional values” then you might be hauled to the tribunal of public opinion and flogged for your transgressions.

It appears that the only way to be a good Christian these days is to agree wholeheartedly with George W. Bush. Or that the South was right all along. Or that people really need Hummers to carry all their stuff. Or that a city should erect a manger scene next to an inflatable Frosty the Snowman. Or that God should only bless America.

Cause if you don’t, then you’re headed straight to hell…in a hybrid car.

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